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Maura Da Cruz
Maura Da Cruz brings extensive experience to her work in organizational development, leadership development and program design as a Learning Consultant and former lead of UBC Coaching Services. As a master certified coach, and external coach with UBC Coaching Services, Maura’s multidimensional and holistic approach facilitates leaders, managers, and individuals in transition to create audacious goals while creating authentic, vibrant and fulfilling lives. Maura is passionate and dedicated to supporting individuals and work teams tap into their strengths and natural abilities to achieve exponential and sustainable results. A trained practitioner in Appreciative Inquiry, Maura has effectively facilitated leadership, team development, strategic planning, and strengths-based programs for a wide spectrum of work groups and professionals ranging from executives, senior managers, academic heads, emerging leaders and front-line staff.
What does Maura Da Cruz teach?
Courses Next offered Learn more Mentor Coaching Practitioner (0460) Details Details