Process and key dates

Process overview

The Continuous Learning Advancement Fund (CLAF) call for proposals is modelled after the well-established process for Large Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund Transformation projects.

Stage 1 

A call for letters of intent (LOIs) that capture and describe the essence of the proposal concept and area, is broadcast. A small committee comprising Office of the Provost leadership, online learning practitioners and support staff adjudicates the LOIs. Project teams may be invited to discuss their LOI with the adjudication team to address any questions.

Stage 2

Proponents of successful LOIs are invited to work with support staff in Extended Learning, and, where applicable, unit, department, school or Faculty learning support teams. Over the spring and summer, representatives work together to develop full proposals that include a market assessment, work plan and budget.

Successful proposals begin development following the adjudication committee’s announcement of funded proposals.

Proposal support and questions

The Office of the Provost and Vice-President Academic has convened an expert group of online and continuous learning practitioners from across campus to advise, support and guide units, departments, schools and Faculties in deploying high-quality online and continuous learning opportunities. These representatives assist with adjudication and proposal development for projects submitted to CLAF.

The CLAF team is available to help prospective proponents with their letter of intent submissions. Please contact us to request information about the LOI submission

You can also browse our frequently asked questions about eligibility, proposal development, available support and more.

Key dates for 2025

March 1LOI online submission form opens
AprilVirtual LOI consultations. Contact us to schedule a meeting.
April 18Last day to request support or feedback from the CLAF team for LOI submissions
May 8Closing date for LOI submissions (11:59 pm Pacific Time)
June Notification of adjudication outcome
June 9-July 18Virtual proposal consultations. Contact us to schedule a meeting.
July 24Full project proposals due (11:59 pm Pacific Time)
August Adjudication of proposals
August 29Notification of adjudication outcome
NovemberFunding released to successful proposals
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