It was fulfilling to give back to a program that was so pivotal in my life. Future Global Leaders is a journey where you can explore and expand your horizons in ways you never would have imagined.”
Sophia, UBC Future Global Leaders student life assistant
Spending the summer as a student life assistant with UBC Future Global Leaders was a “full circle moment” for Sophia, who attended the program as a student in 2018.
Now in her fourth year of a business degree at UBC, Sophia credits Future Global Leaders for helping her decide what university to attend and introducing her to different teaching styles and student life. “I didn't realize how small my worldview truly was until my experience here.”
Returning as a student life assistant gave Sophia the chance to pay it forward, supporting students as they met and connected with peers from all over the world, challenged their own limits and grew in unexpected ways.
Sophia reflects that as a student life assistant she has grown too, developing a range of interpersonal skills she will carry forward. “I learned valuable lessons about teamwork and conflict resolution. I was exposed to unique perspectives that have strengthened my ability to adapt to a spectrum of work environments.”
Best memory of Future Global Leaders: Witnessing all the personal transformations, like the student who observed that attending Future Global Leaders was the first time they were able to push themselves to talk to so many people.
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