Meet Eileen

Headshot of Eileen.

I enjoyed pushing myself and experiencing new things, but the friendships and connections I made were truly invaluable.”

Eileen, UBC Future Global Leaders student life assistant

Be adaptable. That’s Eileen’s top tip to be a successful student life assistant at UBC Future Global Leaders

The second-year UBC biology student from Saskatoon loved interacting with eager and ambitious students from all over the world and embraced the varied aspects of her role as a student life assistant. “Every day brought new challenges. Being a student life assistant at Future Global Leaders helped me develop my adaptability skills and pushed me to think on my feet.” 

Eileen appreciated that she had a team to support her every step of the way. “Knowing that there are always people there to help and support you is a comforting feeling and has helped me develop trust in others.” Eileen intends to carry this positive team experience into her personal and professional life going forward. 

For Eileen one of the highlights was seeing students blossom over the course of the program. Understandably, students are often a bit uncertain when they begin Future Global Leaders. Eileen says, “It’s quite a feeling to see students walk out not only with new friends but with newfound confidence.” 

Best memory of Future Global Leaders:  Working with and learning from the students and my peers. 

Read more Future Global Leaders profiles.

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