Diversity and Inclusion

UBC Micro-certificate

  • Online
  • $3,730 to $3,950

Most organizations have accepted diversity as necessary for a thriving workplace, but without the full integration and operationalization of an inclusion framework that fosters respect and belonging, these efforts often disappoint.

The UBC Micro-certificate in Diversity and Inclusion is a part-time program designed for people who are committed to building environments where everyone’s thoughts, ideas and perspectives matter. Learn how to build inclusive practices within organizational or community settings by examining who you and your organization are, where you’ve been and where you want to go.

  • Format: 100% online
  • Duration: A minimum of 3 courses (one required course and two elective courses) for a total of 120 hours of course work, to be completed within two years.
  • Cost: Approximately $3,730 to $3,950 for the program
  • Apply anytime

Representation is a critical way for people to recognize that their experiences—even if invisible in the mainstream—are valid.

Samra Habib, Pakistani Canadian photographer, writer and activist

Program details

StrongerBC future skills grant

This program has reached its capacity for StrongerBC future skills grant and is NO longer accepting grant registrations.

View other StrongerBC future skills grant eligible programs.

How can we help?

We’re here to answer your questions, discuss learning options and provide insights, recommendations and referrals.  

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