The Baroque: Part 1 – Italian Art

The Baroque Period is generally dated c. 1600-1750. It begins in Italy with the works of Caravaggio (painting) and Gianlorenzo Bernini (sculptor-architect-painter). It ends the Mannerist style period and quickly spreads throughout Europe, thanks to the draw that Italy had for foreign artists who adopted and disseminated it.

In these courses, we examine the works Caravaggio, Bernini, Carracci, Reni, Gentileschi, Guercino, Canaletto and Tiepolo in Rome, Bologna and Venice, over the 150 years of the Baroque period in Italy.

The many works examined include:

  • Caravaggio’s Supper at Emmaus and Crucifixion of St. Peter;
  • Bernini’s works for the Basilica of St. Peter’s (The Baldecchino, Cathedra Predi and the Colonnade) and the Four Rivers Fountain in Piazza Navona;
  • Carracci’s decorations in Villa Farnese; - Canaletto’s views of Venice; and
  • Tiepolo numerous affreschi decorations.

JUSTIN NEWELL, art historian and artist, has lectured extensively on Western painting, sculpture and architecture, the Bible in Western art and Greek myths in art at UBC for many years and leads art history tours to Venice, Florence, Rome, Paris, London and other art centres for alumni UBC. Justin is also a top special interest speaker on leading cruise lines.

Course Outline

Week 1: Caravaggio

Week 2: Bernini

Week 3: Carracci

Week 4: Guercino and Reni

Week 5: Canaletto and Tiepolo

Available sessions

There are no upcoming sessions currently scheduled for this course.

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