Latin American Culture

  • Online
  • $620

Develop an understanding of Latin American beliefs, values, custom, and business protocols by exploring both historical and contemporary topics in Latin culture. Improve your Spanish communication skills and your contextual use of the language while discovering the linguistic and cultural diversity of Latin America. Develop your intercultural competence by understanding and appreciating cultural differences.

Note: An intermediate level of Spanish is required for this course.

Course outline

In this course, you will be exposed to diverse historical socio-cultural aspects of Latin American culture from pre- Hispanic to present times. These predominately self-paced courses are delivered online and include online discussions. They are taught in Spanish and require a minimum intermediate level of Spanish (B2 according to the Common European Framework).

Course objectives

  • Develop intercultural competence (through activities that will challenge learners’ own values and cultural references.)
  • Evaluate pertinent information and assertions regarding relevance, biases, stereotyping, manipulation, and other issues.
  • Improve communicative skills (written comprehension, aural comprehension, writing expression, oral and interactive expression).
  • Discuss instructional materials using an intercultural and decolonial perspective


  • Delivery online grants flexibility to suit individual schedules and time constraints.
  • Interactive learning activities, including readings, videos, music and presentations.
  • Customized to suit student’s specific learning needs.
  • Full instructor support, ongoing assessment, forum-discussions, surveys, and wiki-based collaboration.
  • Online discussions.
  • Updated instructional material.
  • Applicable toward UBC Certificate in Practical and Business Spanish.


While both Latin American Culture courses integrate all countries from across Latin America, each course focuses on specific range of traditions and socio-historical contexts.

Latin American Culture I: General introduction to Latin American culture, with an emphasis on the greatest civilizations of the region, including that of the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs.

Latin American Culture II: This course focuses on the “Great Colombia,” a term that refers to Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Panama.

Each course is comprised of nine modules to be completed in nine weeks, including:

  • "Tú eres mi otro yo"
  • Caral, la ciudad más antigua de América
  • Volveré y seré millones
  • Resistencia Indígena
  • Todos santos, día de muertos 
  • Geografía y Paisajes
  • Boom latinoamericano
  • Me llaman Negra

How am I assessed?

This course is marked complete/incomplete, and is based on your participation. Your instructor provides personalized feedback on the assignments you hand in.

Record of completion

A record of completion will be emailed to students who participate and satisfy the course requirements within two weeks of the course end date. Course completion means 80% attendance and/or 80% completion of mandatory assignments.

Expected effort

Expect to spend three to four hours per week on your course.


Reading and Writing Spanish – Intermediate is required for this course.

Technology requirements

You’ll need access to a laptop or desktop computer or tablet, an email account, and internet access and an up-to-date web browser. For real-time classes, you’ll also need access to a video camera and microphone.

One day before the start of your course, we’ll email you instructions for accessing your course in Canvas.

Course format

This course is 100% online and instructor supported. Coursework is done independently and at your own pace within deadlines set by your instructor. Log in anytime to your course to access the lessons as they become available.

Materials will be available in Canvas for three weeks after the course ends, after which time you will no longer be able to access the course.

Available sessions

Available course sessions
Dates Days Time Format Tuition Description
- - Online $620
- - Online $620

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