Reading and Writing Spanish - Beginner 2

  • Online
  • $620

This interactive online course is designed for beginner Spanish students eager to take the next step in learning the language. Read a variety of authentic documents taken from daily life situations with a cultural focus in order to gain an understanding of basic Spanish syntax and broaden your vocabulary. You also learn essential grammar and produce simple and functional writing such as invitation letters, postcards, thank you notes, daily activities and small ads.

Note: Spanish Beginner 1 or equivalent is required for this course.

Course outline

At this level you have already had experience with the language in school or maybe through a beginner course. You can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. You will add to your basic vocabulary in everyday situations involving travel, food, shopping, transportation, family and business. You will significantly improve your functional ability when using direct and indirect pronouns, speaking in the present tense, the future, and the simple past.

Learner outcomes

  • develop fundamental writing and reading skills that help to improve your Spanish language proficiency
  • reflect on cultural issues and apply your Spanish language skills to real-life situations
  • communicate across linguistic and cultural boundaries

Course structure

Each course consists of nine units; each unit is to be completed in one week. The units focus on real intercultural topics and review of grammar points. All courses contain a variety of readings from authentic sources, grammar explanations with practice, glossaries, idiomatic expressions, and interactive activities in forums, wikis, and others. 

Topics that may be covered in this course (Temas):

  • El Quinceañero
  • Premio Nobel de Literatura
  • Una vivienda minimalista
  • Gastronomía peruana: historia e identidad
  • Pedro Páramo
  • La conquista de dos grandes imperios
  • Justicia para Guatemala
  • El arte de pintar
  • Íconos Latinoamericanos

Grammar topics that may be covered in this course (Gramatica):

  • Perífrasis verbales
  • Interrogativos y pronombres demostrativos
  • Pronombres de objeto directo
  • Pronombres de objeto indirecto
  • Pretérito indefinido
  • Conocer vs. Saber
  • Pretérito perfecto
  • Futuro simple
  • Revisión

How am I assessed?

This course is marked complete/incomplete, and is based on your participation. Your instructor provides personalized feedback on the assignments you hand in.

Record of completion

A record of completion will be emailed to students who participate and satisfy the course requirements within two weeks of the course end date. Course completion means 80% attendance and/or 80% completion of mandatory assignments.

Expected effort

Expect to spend three to four hours per week on your course.

Technology requirements

You’ll need access to a laptop or desktop computer or tablet, an email account, and internet access and an up-to-date web browser. For real-time classes, you’ll also need access to a video camera and microphone.

One day before the start of your course, we’ll email you instructions for accessing your course in Canvas.

Course format

This course is 100% online and instructor supported. Coursework is done independently and at your own pace within deadlines set by your instructor. Log in anytime to your course to access the lessons as they become available.

Materials will be available in Canvas for three weeks after the course ends, after which time you will no longer be able to access the course.

Available sessions

Available course sessions
Dates Days Time Format Tuition Description
- - Online $620
- - Online $620

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How can we help?

We’re here to answer your questions, discuss learning options and provide insights, recommendations and referrals.  

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