AI Strategy: Leveraging Automation

  • Online
  • $950

This course is one of the two courses in the UBC Micro-certificate in AI Powered Automation and Personalization

Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation technologies present opportunities and challenges for individuals and businesses that use digital media techniques. To remain competitive in the new AI era, it’s crucial to understand how AI is reshaping creative processes and products.

This four-week online course provides a comprehensive introduction to AI and its application in industries that use media. Gain hands-on experience using various automation tools, techniques and strategies in workflows and creative processes, and understand how such tools affect efficiency, quality, and the ability to scale. Take a close look at how AI can aid and impede creativity, and evaluate its impact on creative industries.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

  • Understand AI and its applications for industries that use media
  • Understand and implement automation strategies in digital media processes
  • Use AI-powered tools for strategic data analysis, visualization and content generation
  • Incorporate AI in digital storytelling
  • Evaluate the impact of automation in creative industries and other sectors that use media
  • Consider how AI influences creativity and analyze the ethical implications of AI

Course outline

Week 1: Introduction to AI in Digital Media

  • Understand Artificial Intelligence and its application in digital media

Week 2: Designing AI-Powered Automation Strategies for Digital Media

  • Understand and implement automation strategies in digital media processes

Week 3: Incorporating AI into Digital Storytelling

  • Understand AI-powered tools for strategic data analysis, visualization, and content generation

Week 4: The Creative Implications of AI in Digital Media

  • Understand and evaluate the impact of automation in the creative industries

How am I assessed?

You will be assessed on successfully completing weekly activities, including exercises, quizzes, applied case study projects (based on real-life scenarios) and your contributions to discussion posts. These activities are marked using a proficiency scale, and your instructor provides you informal feedback during live online sessions.

While you are not assessed on your attendance of the live online sessions, we encourage you to attend so you can learn and interact with your instructor and other participants. All sessions are recorded in case you miss one.

This course operates on a pass/fail basis. You must achieve an overall grade of 70% or greater to pass and be eligible to earn the UBC Micro-certificate in AI Powered Automation and Personalization.

Expected effort

Expect to spend five to seven hours per week completing all learning activities, including attending the live online sessions.

Technology requirements

To take this course, you need access to:

  • an email account
  • a computer, laptop or tablet
  • the latest version of a web browser (or previous major version release)
  • a reliable internet connection
  • a video camera and microphone

Course format

This 100% online program is instructor supported with weekly online classes. Outside of class, you can access online materials on your own time. Each week, review readings and videos, and apply your knowledge in exercises and case studies. Contribute to an online discussion board and connect with other students. One business day before the course start date, we’ll email you step-by-step instructions for accessing your course.

Available sessions

Available course sessions
Dates Days Time Format Tuition Description
Wed 6:30 pm Online $950
Thurs 6:30 pm Online $950
Thurs 6:30 pm Online $950

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How can we help?

We’re here to answer your questions, discuss learning options and provide insights, recommendations and referrals.  

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