
Everyone is a writer, even if few would claim to write well. Both personally and professionally, we use writing every day in a multitude of forms to communicate and connect with one another. Regardless of your desired outcome, developing the writing skills to express yourself and your ideas in a clear, compelling or creative way is an invaluable endeavour. 

Our writing programs and courses cover a broad range of relevant and engaging content created and taught by experienced writers, journalists, authors and educators. Start with the basics and build your foundational skills to apply at work or in your personal writing; add in-demand writing skills to your professional wheelhouse; pursue a creative passion project or launch a career in writing. 

With diverse options and levels to choose from, you can focus on the skills that matter to you, build your confidence and gain the expertise to get your ideas noticed. 

Enrolling in Jennifer Van Evra's Freelance Writing course changed my life. When I pitched my unique stories from my time working at the 1980s PNE, Jennifer suggested that it would be a good idea for a book. Now my book is a BC Bestseller, all thanks to her course. It's been a life-altering journey.

Nick Marino, Freelance Writing: Introduction student and East Side Story author



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