Writing Skills for Digital Content: Freelance and Interviews

UBC Micro-certificate

  • Online
  • $1,520

Marketing and communications roles are constantly evolving. Today, many require not only fundamental web writing and copywriting skills, but also talents in storytelling, interviewing and journalism.

The UBC Micro-certificate in Writing Skills for Digital Content: Freelance and Interviews is a part-time, online program designed for you to build essential skills in conducting interviews and writing compelling articles, whether you are in a marketing role or working as a freelancer. You will gain skills that are applicable to all kinds of writing contexts, including website content, magazine articles, brand stories, newsletters, press releases, podcast scripts and more.

  • Format: 100% online and instructor supported. Some courses have virtual office hours.
  • Duration: Two courses of eight weeks each, approximately 65 hours total, to be completed within 18 months
  • Cost: $760 per course, $1,520 for the program
  • Register anytime

Thanks to Freelance Writing: Introduction, Jennifer's feedback on my work, and her consistently sound advice, I have been published at half a dozen outlets, built relationships with a number of editors, and am building a career as a freelance content writer.

Student, Freelance Writing: Introduction

Program details

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Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Question A question mark inside a solid circle. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service. RSS The symbol to indicate an RSS feed. Arrow An arrowhead pointing to the right Arrow, right to bracket An arrowhead pointing to the right, into a bracket character. External Link An arrowhead pointing up and to the right, from inside a box Bars Three horizontal bars. Books Three book spines, viewed head-on, one leaning. Calendar A monthly calendar page. E-commerce Cart A shopping cart Checkmark A checkmark character Chevron A chevron character pointing to the right Checkmark A checkmark character inside a solid circle Cost A dollar sign inside a solid circle Info An 'i' character inside a solid circle Play An arrowhead pointing to the right inside of a solid circle User A silhouette of a person inside a solid circle Envelope A closed envelope Certificate A document with an award pinned to it Pen A document with a pen beside it Filter A funnel / filter silhouette Laptop Computer An open laptop computer with a blank screen Location Pin A map location pin Search A magnifying glass Minus A minus sign News A folded newspaper Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add Quote, left An opening quotation character Alert An exclamation point inside a solid triangle User A silhouette of a person Close The character 'X'