- In-Person, Online
- $435 - $445
This course can be applied to the UBC Award of Achievement in Chinese or as a standalone course.
In the Lower Intermediate level you continue to expand your vocabulary and start to elevate your level of language by learning more complex structures and refining the skills acquired in previous levels. You concentrate on speaking correctly and distinguishing between the past, present and future tenses. Native-speaking instructors provide you with insight into the culture, traditions and etiquette of China.
Course Outline
This is not a prescriptive list. Exact course outlines will be determined by the instructor to best meet the needs of the class. It is meant to serve as a guideline and suggest what may be covered at this level.
Communicative Objectives:
How to:
- Describe your daily routine (review)
- Compare when doing shopping
- Speak about transportation (taking bus, skytrain, ferry, train, airplane…)
- Make and respond to invitations
- Hold simple conversations when visiting a friend’s home
- Express personal views and opinions
- Describe a visit to a friend’s home
- hold conversations when attending a friend’s birthday party
- Express good wishes (zhù nǐ jiànkāng chángshòu 祝你健康长寿, zhù nǐ yǒngyuǎn niánqīng piàoliang祝你永远年轻漂亮)
- Speak about one’s Chinese zodiac sign
- Order something to drink and eat (Zhōngguócài yánsè měi, wèidào xiāng, yòu hǎo kàn, yòu hǎo chī.
- 中国菜颜色美,味道香,又好看,又好吃。)
Linguistic Objectives:
- When … de shíhou 的时候
- Have been to qùguo 去过
- To think about (of) Xiǎng 想/to want yào要/to need xūyào需要/ must bìxū必须/should yīnggāi应该
- Because Yīnwèi 因为…suǒyǐ 所以
- The more …, the more… Yuè…yuè…越…越…/more and more … yuèláiyuè…越来越…
- Three “de” 的、地、得
- Comparative and superlative Bǐ 比/zuì 最
To register in this class you should be able to:
- Speak about one’s hobbies
- Describe one’s family
- Tell dates ( liǎng nián qián两年前、bàn nián hòu半年后、qián tiān前天、qù nián去年…)
- Tell time
- Describes past events
- Make future plans
- Describe daily routines
- Count numbers (bigger than 100)
- Do shopping and bargaining
Expected Effort
You can expect to spend about three hours per week attending live, virtual classes and completing course work on your own time. Expect double this amount during the intensive summer term.
This course does not require the purchase of a textbook. Course materials are provided by the instructor.
Course Format
This course is offered online and/or in-person. See Available Sessions for details on the course format.
Our online conversational courses offer a virtual classroom experience where you can see and interact with your teacher and classmates over Zoom. Log in at a set time to participate in individual, pair and group work, ask questions and receive feedback from your instructor.
Outside of class time, access course materials online at your own pace for up to three weeks after the course ends.
In-person classes are offered at UBC Robson Square in downtown Vancouver.
Learn more about online learning at Extended Learning.
How am I assessed?
This is a non-credit course without letter or numerical grades. You receive verbal feedback on your conversation and grammar skills from your instructor during class. Written homework is typically corrected in class. Some lesson modules may include quizzes.
Record of completion
A record of completion will be emailed to students who participate and satisfy the course requirements within two weeks of the course end date. Course completion means 80% attendance and/or 80% completion of mandatory assignments.
Technology requirements
For all languages classes, you’ll need access to the internet, a personal email account and an up-to-date web browser.
For online classes, you will also need a video camera and a microphone on your device.
The day before your course starts, you will receive an email with instructions on how to access the course.