AI and Society: Ethics and Impact

UBC Micro-certificate

  • Online
  • $1,950

AI is rapidly transforming every aspect of our lives. Not only is it critical to understand the ethical implications and challenges of this powerful technology, but also its potential to contribute positively to the common good.

The UBC Micro-certificate in AI and Society: Ethics and Impact is a part-time online program that delves into fundamental concepts of AI systems and gives learners of all backgrounds a framework for exploring and addressing concerns surrounding AI bias, accountability, transparency and human rights.

Developed by industry experts with input from UBC faculty and UBC IT leadership, this 55-hour interactive online micro-certificate gets to the heart of the key issues and gaps regarding AI development, use and governance.

  • Format: 100% online and instructor supported with real-time classes
  • Duration: One course of 8 weeks, approximately 55 hours total
  • Cost: $1,950 for the program. Register four weeks before to save $200.

Students in this course will develop the skills to responsibly select, interact with and develop AI tools, regardless of their technical background. By the end of the course, students will be able to deepen their understanding of AI, how it is developed and used, and its social impacts.

Kelly Shiohira, Lead Course Author and Instructor

Program details

Information session

Watch our latest information session, meet program developers and lead instructors Ricardo Trujeque and Kelly Shiohira, and get an overview of the program, curriculum and learning outcomes.

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